This Time magazine article discusses a study in the British Medical Journal saying “people who play a sport are more likely to stay healthy and fit as they age”. We know that our activity level tends to decrease over the years and sports keep people engaged. My question is, which sports are best and which sports did these people play throughout their lifetime? In my practice I see a lot of men who play basketball through their 30’s but it is rare to see many guys playing into their 40’s. I also see both men and women who love soccer and play into their 40’s but once again it is rare to continue beyond 50. Hockey seems to be a sport enjoyed mostly by men who play into their 50’s. So what sports are really possible to continue throughout our lifetime? Tennis, skiing, golf, squash, swimming, and jogging are the ones that come to my mind. If one suffers from arthritis, then jogging and other high impact sports may be more difficult to continue. Bottom line- find a sport that you like and that feels good and keep playing!