Success Stories

Dr Sabrina Strickland's Success Stories

Here are a few of my patient success stories, which I hope will help future patients understand better what to expect when they come to me for a consultation, surgery, or a second opinion. 

Liam had experienced a lifetime of kneecap dislocations. An avid hockey player, he needed a solution. We completed MPFL reconstruction surgery and he’s back to hockey. Watch his video to learn about his success story.

Joseph shares a skiing accident that led him to see Dr. Sabrina Strickland for an MPFL Reconstruction and Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy Surgery at the Hospital for Special Surgery. His success story is about the team who helped him get back to doing whatever he wants. 

Meet Peyton, who was able to return to dance pain-free after Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy surgery. Watch her success story.

Seyward came to me with severe knee instability and virtually lost hope that anyone could make her better. After the right diagnosis and proper treatment, I am very happy to say she is back to running, dancing, and living a pain-free lifestyle.

Denise was flying down the mountain at Killington when she hit a patch of ice. After ACL Reconstruction surgery Denise is back in the game doing what she loves!

A group exercise instructor, Anne was experiencing a lot of knee pain. After non-operative treatments to try to resolve her issues, Anne chose Patellofemoral Replacement surgery and is back to teaching classes and feels like she has the knees of a twenty year old. 

Nicholas was a passenger in the wreck of Amtrak 188. After a meniscus repair, ACL reconstruction, and months of physical therapy, he now has a 100% range of motion returned to his knee.

Mark tried to get exercise every day but was injured when he was trying to change a tire. He was concerned about his ability to be active in sports. Mark had a subpectoral bicep tenodesis and was able to return to his active lifestyle.