Patients often come in to see me, complaining that their knees are cracking or noisy. This article in the lay press discusses the common issue known as creaky knees or “knee crepitus.” It’s interesting to see that:
“The research, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine this week, analysed the results of 103 studies involving more than 36,000 people and found that 41 per cent of the population had creaky knees.”
Overall, creaky knees are not a problem—if they don’t hurt. However, pain with swelling, exercise, or activities of daily living do merit a trip to the doctor. This visit can help you determine if there is an intervention to help these symptoms, such as an injection, physical therapy, or potentially surgery. The bottom line is that you can ignore your creaky knees unless they hurt!
Read the article, “Snap, crackle, pop: What it means to have creaky knees,” to learn more.
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