Single Versus Multiple-Plug OCA Transplants for Osteochondral Defects About the Knee

Initial outcomes for OCA transplants

There have been a number of  studies that described the outcomes of osteochondral allograft (OCA) transplantation for single osteochondral lesions, but there is not a lot of information available that compares outcomes of single versus multiple OCA transplants. We designed this study to describe the initial outcomes of single versus multiple-plug knee OCA transplants with follow up at a minimum of one year.

Our hypothesis was that there would be no difference in patient-reported outcome measures between patients undergoing single versus multiple-plug OCA transplants at minimum 1-year follow-up. In this study, we retrospectively reviewed prospectively collected data for patients undergoing OCA transplantation for large (>2cm2) osteochondral defects about the knee. 

Read the original article in The Journal of Knee Surgery: Initial Outcomes of Single Versus Multiple-Plug Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation for Osteochondral Defects About the Knee: A Matched Cohort Analysis

Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash