An Analysis of Intraoperative Acupuncture for Nosocomephobia

Analysis: Acupuncture for Nosocomephobia

Nosocomephobia, which is an extreme fear of hospitals, is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that can prevent individuals from seeking necessary medical treatment. Research is limited regarding the impact of nosocomephobia on patients undergoing elective surgery and the potential benefits of acupuncture in managing this fear.

Recently, we published this qualitative analysis that looked at the role of acupuncture in nosocomephobia patients’ elective surgery appraisal processes. Two patients were interviewed about their nosocomephobia and their earlier experiences with hospitals. Reviewers coded those interview transcripts and labeled meaningful content, identifying themes and potential discrepancies. Small, uncontrolled case series like this make it hard to draw definitive conclusions; however, acupuncture seems like a safe, noninvasive way for nosocomephobia patients to manage anxiety in a preoperative or procedural setting.

Read more about the study in Acupuncture in Medicine.

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